Apache Apex TM

Enterprise-grade unified stream and batch processing engine.

Enterprise grade

Apex processes big data in-motion in a way that is highly scalable, highly performant, fault tolerant, stateful, secure, distributed, and easily operable.

Low barrier to entry

Write your business logic and leave all operability to the platform. It provides a simple API that enables developers to write or re-use generic Java code, thereby lowering the expertise needed to write big data applications.


The Apex platform comes with Malhar, a library of operators (units of functionality) that can be leveraged to quickly create non-trivial applications. Includes many connectors for messaging systems, databases, files etc.

High level API

A high level API that allows for transformations to be chained in a simplified manner

Event time windowing

Windowed Operator that supports the windowing semantics outlined by Apache Beam and Google Cloud DataFlow, including the concepts of event time windows, session windows, watermarks, allowed lateness, and triggering

Low level API

Provides low level hooks to control the behavior of the application based on processing states like checkpointing, window lifecycles

Multiple processing semantics

Supports processing tuples in exactly once,atleast once and atmost once processing semantics

Rich feature set

Enhance streaming application architecures using custom control tuples, a powerful command line client and even support for python

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